Saturday, December 8, 2007

Trimming the Tree

I LOVE Christmas! I start playing holiday music the day after Thanksgiving... and I play it through New Year's... EVERY day! (that one makes Sergio crazy!) Although we've had a real tree some years, I really require an artificial tree. That's because I want to set it up the weekend after Thanksgiving and keep it up through January. Generally I have to have it down by Valentine's Day. I know others find that too long a time frame... but I LOVE have it up and I can... so I do! :) The cold of winter just doesn't seem so bad if you get to curl up and watch telly with the glow of the tree next to you... KWIM?

A~ is lovin' the decorating part. She was SO sad when we ran out of ornaments! And this year she's big enough to hand stuff somewhere other than the bottom branches... and she can understand spreading things out so that everything isn't in the same general area. That's a big help for mom who had to sneak behind her last year and secretly rearrange things when somebody was sleeping! :)

Here are a couple of shots to get you in the spirit of the season. We took Christmas card shots last night... but that will be a surprise with your card. Enjoy!

much love,