Friday, January 23, 2009

Hellooooo Kitty!

Sorry I haven't been in for a bit! I'm trying to make one scrapbook layout per day for each day in January. Thank goodness January ends on a weekend.. I may just make it! I am also trying to take one picture a day (Project 365) for the year. So far, so good. I don't always have a great picture... but at least one each day!

I forgot to post A~ must have Christmas present this year. It was a Hello Kitty cereal dispenser. We saw it at Target and she begged and begged for it. I told her to put it on her Christmas list. The next day she asked me how to spell cereal. A week later, she commented that we would need to clear some stuff off of the counter to make room for her Hello Kitty cereal dispenser when Santa brought it. I raced down to Target at the beginning of December and got one of the two remaining. Wow, was that lucky!

By the way, she's eating more cereal than ever! :)

much love,

PS. Here are a few new layouts....

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