Monday, June 25, 2007

Wish I Was Here...

Boy do I ever! The first day back after vacation is always the hardest. Lot's of unanswered emails, forgotten to do lists, and never enough sleep the night before. It'll be easier tomorrow, but today I just wish I was back on the porch swing or watching the kids play on the fountain at the Legends.

Last Friday night we enjoyed our first family dinner with authentic Texas sausage. (Thank you Mamasan!) It made carrying it through the airport while carrying a sleeping 3 year old all worth it. Boy was it good! You just can't find anything with the same seasonings here in Virginia. I don't think I've had any for 5 years or more... how sad! Unfortunately I'll have to share with the family since they ate it up. I was kind of hoping that they wouldn't like it and I would get to keep it all to myself!
Better go for now. A~ has a bit of a cold. I got her to take some medicine, but she's refused all food except for half of a popsicle (it's really hot and she's got a little bit of a temperature... so I'm really surprised she didn't eat the whole thing!).

Much love,

1 comment:

Papa Louie said...

On your picture you don't look like you're in your mid-thirties... How can you be that old??? That means I must be at least.... opps - lets not go there!!
Sent an e-card to your work e-mail address - don't know if you have a valid home e-mail... that you really use... hint-hint.
I can't remember... did you show me how to set up my own blog???? More than my hair color is fading...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you're doing, well, great!!