Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brave little girl

On last Friday, we went to get A~'s flu shot. She was not happy about it at all. I had been mentioning it off and on to get her used to the idea... and now the time had finally come. As we got ready to go, she begged and pleaded, "Please, Mommy, can we do the shot tomorrow and not today?" She cried some more and finally decided that she would feel better if she took some fruit snacks with her (thanks, Mamasan... they came in real handy!). One package was finished in the car... and the second one was going fast, except for that last piece. On our way walking into the flu shot clinic, I was trying to hold her hand, but kept ending up with a little fist. Finally I asked, "What ARE you holding?" "My fruit snack," she replied. "It has a funny face, so I can look at it when I get my shot and it will help me forget that the shot hurts."

WOW! I wish I had thought of that!

Unfortunately that only worked until we got 2 feet from the table where the nurse was sitting. Then we were back to crying and screaming and the other nurse had to help. Once the shot was done, she grabbed my purse off the floor and headed for the door... she couldn't wait to get out of there!

Now, she says that she wants to be an angel... since they don't need shots. I think she's already an angel! I am a bit biased, though! :)

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