Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's all about the dress...

At Easter, it is definitely all about the dress... and the shoes! This dress was A~'s pick... I wanted the pink one with a little green, but she wanted the green with a little pink. Luckily she looks good in either color!

Notice the slightly shorter haircut? She wanted to get her's trimmed after I got my haircut last weekend... so off we went to Cartoon Cuts. When the lady asked how short to cut it, A~ put her hands up to her ears.... Yikes! So I said, how about chin length? So chin length it was... very Dora-esque! I took the time today to blow it dry with a little bit of flip out at the bottom... too cute, but it doesn't last for long. This is just prior to our Easter egg hunt. I had A~ running all over the house to see where the Easter Bunny hid her basket of candy while I raced around back to hide the eggs. She had fun, but I was out of breath! It's tough being the bunny solo! :)


much love,

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