Saturday, March 21, 2009


I'm back from Houston... and with the frost on the ground outside this morning here, I'm wishing I was back in the lovely springtime weather admiring the azaleas. We have A~ first soccer class today and I hope it goes well. Sometimes she takes things so personally (he pushed me or she took the ball from me), and I've been talking up the fact that this is just part of the game.... I just hope that some of it sunk in and I don't come back with photos of a temper tantrum! :)

I still need to download the photos of the trip... but looking over all the old photos and trying to guess the dates when nothing was written on the backs reminded me that I have a few layouts that are in need of journaling. This one is one of them... so mom, I need your assistance. I think that the year is 1968 or 1969 and I want to add the numbers next to the the picture and over the journaling block on the right. I know that this is Homecoming, but don't know what you did at Homecoming. Does everyone get a huge corsage? Is there a dance? Did Spring Wood H.S. win? Anything you can share would be great!

Off to get ready for soccer....

much love,


Jen said...

Oh wow!!! That's gorgeous!!! I wish you had been able to get to Austin - I would have loved to have met you! ;)

Papa Louie said...

Mama thought that it was 1968 (fall) - which would make it (ole whats-her-name?) her senior year. Who won the game??? I haven't even got a clue who we played. I DO remember the house in the background - and can tell you a little about it... if you're interested...!
That was minimally helpful... at best!!