Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Robins & Eggs

When we pulled into the driveway Monday evening, I saw a Robin right in front of the car holding a worm in his mouth. I excitedly got Adrianna out of the car so that she could see when suddenly he flew up to the trellis right next to the house. Looking closer I realized that - hey - there's a nest in there... and it's full of baby Robins! We watched off and on as the mom and dad brought food to the babies. It was amazing how still they sat there waiting... not even a peep!

The trellis isn't all that big and actually was blown down last year. I set it back in place and propped a stepping stone against it and forgot about it. It had been covered in beautiful Clematis flowers which hid the nest from view. Now that the flowers have dropped off they seem a little bit exposed. Hopefully they don't attract anyone's attention.

Here they are today... looking a lot more like real birds instead of little babies. It's a shame that we missed the eggs and the babies hatching... although it was probably during all that rain. It will still be fun to see them get bigger and fly off!

Onto the eggs that I do have.... blue-green eggs from the farmer's market at work. Adrianna was really excited that I got them. After all, Green Eggs & Ham is her *favorite* book ever! We took care to poke holes in the each end and blow the insides out... yea - I don't recommend doing that ever. It's kind of like trying to blow up a balloon that just won't inflate, but like for 10 minutes straight... and that was just one egg! Exhausting! After the hard work of emptying them and rinsing them out, I decorated them with some leftover rubons from a swap kit. I may still add some bling and flowers or something when I recover my strength. The things I do for my baby girl and the sake of creativity! ;-)

Speaking of my baby girl.... here is my most recent layout of her posing with her wheelbarrow. What a ham!

much love,


Jen said...

those eggs are cool!!!!

Kylie said...

I love those eggs. That's how we used to prepare eggs for decorating at Easter time when we were kids. Can't wait to see the Robins a little bigger!