Sunday, September 13, 2009

School, pool, and a pooper

School is in session and we are definitely the parents of a 1st grader. We are watching iCarly daily and I had to remember when the special new episode ("I think they kissed"... I really wanted to see what happened) was coming on yesterday so that Adrianna and I could watch it together. I've been sucked in... I know, it's sad. I'm a little old for it, but it's still fun to have something to sit and watch together and both be entertained. :)

Here is our big little girl on her first day of school:

During the Labor Day holiday weekend, we went to Atlantis Water Park in Bull Run Regional Park and had a great time. The weather was fabulous... not hot and not chilly... and I'm sure that helped. The park really impressed me. It's not huge, but it had everything we needed and it wasn't too crowded. They had several different pool areas of different depths with small slides, a couple of bigger slides, a water play area, a sand digging area, and a baby pool that Adrianna said was just perfect! I liked it way better than the other area water parks we've visited. We'll definitely go back next year!

Adrianna is still in love with out bunny Honeybun. (Aren't they cute?) She is getting bigger by the day and is quite a poop machine! Hopefully the litter training will start to work. I thought we were making progress, but when I cleaned her cage she's using the box as well as every corner... even where her dish and hay are. I think she's going to train us to move her food to the middle instead of us training her to go in the right place! We'll see who wins!

much love,


Jen said...

Awww! She's getting so grown up!!! Such a beauty!

Aleta said...

oh yeah - iCarly, Wizards of Waverly place and Hannah Montanna - I've been sucked in too!