Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's all about the shoes...

At least it is when you're bowling! We went on our first family bowling outing last weekend and had a blast. Sergio had only been once before (and he still beat me both games... NOT fair!) and this was totally new for A~. At first she let Papi help her roll the ball up the lane granny-style. By the end of the first game, she was on her own... no helping this little girl! She was even trying to throw it a bit. Luckily she thought that the purpose of the game was to get your ball all the way down the lane. Each time it made it, she would holler "GOAL!" really, really loud and give us the thumbs up. It'll be fun until she figures out about those darn pins! ;-)

1 comment:

Kylie said...

She'll be beating you both in no time!!!