Friday, August 15, 2008

Seeing Green!

I've got a bunch of things to post, so check back in the next couple of days as I get everything up here!

First off, the garden.

We don't have a big garden... just a little stretch next to the fence that's about 1.5 feet wide by 30 feet long. It's as much as I can do without a tiller or free manual labor. :) This spring, I slowly de-weeded and worked up the soil in hour long stretches after work each day. It took forever! So... everything went in a little late. Oh well! Currently everything is green and doing fine. A few bugs here and there, but I do this for fun and if I happen to get veggies out of it, that's great. If not, no harm done... I just try something different next year. I try to water a little, fertilize a little, weed a little, and let nature take care of the rest.

I planted 5 tomato plants... 3 reds and 2 yellow. Right now we have tons of green tomatoes weighing down the vines. I've gone out a couple of times to tie everything back up! I thought I spaced them apart enough... but I have one plant that I've ended up tying to the tomato cage next to it. Oops! Guess I'll need to spread them out a bit more next year! :)

A~ wanted a watermelon plant SO much. So I bought one... since we really don't have space for it. It had a slow start, but has since taken off. We now have 2 good-sized watermelon laying in the grass... and 3 that have grown through the fence and are in the neighbors yard! Hmm... I guess I should have been more vigilent about pulling those vines back through.

We also planted some brussel sprouts. A~ actually likes them and picked them out at the garden center. Some bugs have been eating the leaves, but the plants seem well enough and we are starting to see the actual sprouts forming. They may be the only veggies that we harvest on schedule!

More later... scrapbooking, the county fair, and whatever else I can think of coming soon!

much love,


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