Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday... Shoes & Siteseeing - Awesome!!!

It was a busy Saturday....

First was A~'s soccer class... followed by Sergio taking her over to Soccer Scene for some new shoes, shin guards, and those fancy tall socks (there totally may be an actual name for those things... but my non-athletic self has no idea!). The class is more of a skills class and not a game-playing team, so we didn't have to have all the accoutrements for it. After a good slip and fall, my little girl's knees needed extra protection... hence the impromptu shopping trip!

Second was my lunch of homemade cheese enchiladas, rice (plain so little girl would eat it), and salad. Actually, the salad was more Bolivian style... you chop everything up and put it on a big plate in little piles. Each person just helps themselves to the parts they want... so kind of a salad bar on your table! I like it, and everyone else seems to as well. I think it was excellent and I have 7 enchiladas left for later. Sorry, no photos of the food! :)

Next we went to see the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin. The Metro was packed like I've never seen before. Sardines have more room than we did on our trip! I tried to look at it as just part of the adventure! We walked and walked and gazed and gazed. The weather was fabulous and it's Spring Break... so there were crowds everywhere. Everyone was really friendly and polite, so it wasn't bad. Sergio made the best of it... although crowds are not his thing. Thanks, honey for being so flexible! :)

After the blossoms we watched Sergio play soccer, missed our exit and took the long way home, and crashed upon arrival right into bed.

It was a great Saturday! As A~ would say, it was AWESOME! Beginning this week, everything has been awesome... dinner, tv, whatever... it's all awesome. Sounds too funny! :)

much love,

PS. Here are my last 2 layouts... enjoy!

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