Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Here Goes Nothin'!

Well, here goes....

With all of the family scattered around, I wanted to try to see if I could create a spot to share, keep everyone updated, and just chat without those dreaded long-distance bills chasing us or counting available cell phone minutes. The added bonus is that you don't have to be in the same time zone or even on the same timetable to keep in the loop.

Last Sunday was wonderful. Lots of showers off and on for the entire day... cooled everything off and gave the plants a wonderful drink. They so needed it. In between the showers, I jumped out to snap a few pics. The hostas are loving it in the flowerbeds this year. This is year number three for the big one and it is definitely flourishing!

Today A~ found her fairy wand and wings from her first Halloween. She was SO excited to discover them and thinks that she is the tooth fairy! She actually squealed with delight to find out that I had indeed bought them for her... "Oh Mommy, that makes me SO happy!" Too cute! Of course, once they were discovered they needed to be modeled.



Shan said...

Well, I'll give it a shot. Got to your page (obviously) but the pics won't come through. Maybe next time. Could be something with my settings though. I am at work, so who knows. Mom e-mailed me your flight confirmation yesterday. Can't wait to see you and the little one! Wish Sergio could come, too, but I understand how that goes especially with your trip to Bolivia coming up. Hope you won't mind dodging boxes at my new house. We're staying there now (as of yesterday) but do not have the benefit of things like a dining room table - still in storage. Had to run over to Mike's this morning to take a shower before work as I realized I didn't have a hairdryer! Oh, well. At least we're there. The kids seem to love the new house and their new rooms even without all of their stuff. They spent almost all day yesterday playing in the backyard with the dog. Neva's favorite passtime seems to jumproping ... with jumpropes, hoola-hoops, belts... whatever she can find. Anyway, better get back to work. Hope you get this. I love you and miss you!

Mom said...

Here' my first attempt! Nothing exciting to report. Went to dinner with Shelia last night. She had an extra ticket to some sort of political event at the High Noon Saloon. Food was great, speaker was interesting, but far too conservative to interest either of you!

Got home to find Dad mowing with Shannon's lawnmower ... he's testing it out after sharpening the blade! Don't worry, you'll get it back soon! He had also set up the fountain in the flower bed near the porch. He knows I love the sound of the fountain ... and that Adrianna will probably like it, too. We've got so much weeding to do that I get this hopeless feeling just looking at the flowerbeds. No doubt Mamasan will give us a hand when she gets here! I'll try not to stress out over the imperfect condition of our house and yard!

We're all looking forward to seeing you. Can't wait.

Papa Louie said...

I guess I get the 'Last Shot' - I have just switched (up at work) to a new e-mail address which uses Microsoft Outlook (which Neen & Shan also have)... I don't care for it! My new work address is Louis.Matusek@Voith.com.
I think if Mom & Shan put your blog address in their browser address, then the photos will show (in HTML). At least, the photos worked for me. The only real advantage to the new e-mail is that I can check my e-mail anywhere anytime.
I haven't got anything to say - all I've done lately is work and Shan (and the house & yard show it). I have more hay fields than yard & the 'paths' in the woods are dim memories. At least I still have the rest of the summer left....
Did you get the latest - Mamasan is coming on Sunday (Fathers Day in case you need to leave a card behind for someone special!!!) - but the visit is open-ended. When Mamasan asked Jimmie for a week off, I could hear him in the background - "Take two weeks - you're driving me nuts!" We'll just have to wait and see....
See you soon - Paw