Friday, June 15, 2007

The light at the end of the tunnel...

Well... it's almost time to head to Kansas. Just a few hours, some dishes, about 4 loads of laundry, and countless other tasks and we'll be on our way! I know A~ is going to have a great time. She has been talking about the chickens for weeks already. I can't wait to see her and W~ together too. I'll be sure to take lots of shots and maybe I'll get to update from there... and teach dad how to setup his own blog too! :)

Here's one more A~ photo from this week... another light at the end of the tunnel. This one taken by Papi for a change looking through the playtent tunnel at our little miss with the giant stuffed bear (the giant bear I've had since college... his name is Calvin, in case you were curious).

Much love,


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