Thursday, June 7, 2007

Reach out and touch someone.

It's strange... she can be so shy; completely hiding her face in my neck; refusing to look at strangers much less speak to them. Other times A~'s pulling me through a store because she's spotted another child and says that she has to go play with her friend (the child we don't even know!).

Today it was the usual...after coming home from the babysitter's house (which is next door) she plays and such until she hears them outside in their backyard. Then A~ sets up her vantage point at the window and hollers out whatever she can think of:

"What are you doing?"
"We're cooking chicken for dinner."
"I'm going to watch telly!"
I caught a picture of her in the act here... a little blurry, but I love how it caught her movement, peeking out from behind the curtain!

I'm a good mom... so I say, "Please don't hollar out the window! Be careful not to fall!" and such. And it does work... for about 3 minutes or so! Then she is back in position until I finish dinner and call her to the table.

Tonight she ate everything... so it was indeed a good night! Good night to all of you too!

Much love,

1 comment:

Papa Louie said...

Does A~ (I Love Abbreviations) know she looks like an "imp"??? You know, "I look like an angel, but... if you turn your back, I'll turn into a 'little devil'!! And yes, I KNOW I'm cute!!!"
Today was Saturday (work day for me) and although it's really Sunday already, I'm still on Saturday. You'll have to talk to Mom... today was TOO eventful for words (& my typing skills)... let's say I was lucky enough to be "employed & at work"....
??? How do you attach or insert a photo??? (I don't know how to make the up-side-down question mark thingie either, but the photo thingie is more important... spell check would be helpful also because I seem to use the backspace key a lot...). I may have photos to attach once I check Mom's camera, but... my skills are lacking.
Tell A~ she's cute (like she doesn't know!) and give her a hug - time is starting to get really short!!! Panic will set in later this week... wish me some luck - I hope to not be home when Mom finds that button!!