Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

This year we joined friends as Lake Fairfax park for some 4th of July fun. The weather wasn't ideal with off and on showers... but we still had an enjoyable time. The kids all ran around inside our new (and somewhat giant) tent like maniacs. If we had tried to restrain them to a particular area, I'm sure that they would've balked... but since they choose to run inside, they were as happy as clams! We did the obligatory hot dogs, fireworks and sparklers before walking over to the lake to view the fireworks show. While we waited for everything to start, we noticed several bats darting around over the lake, doing a little hunting and keeping the bugs running. At one point, one actually grazed my shoulder. At least that happened before I realized that bats were around... so it was cool instead of freaky! After the fireworks display, we toasted some mashmallows, the kids crashed and we hung out by the campfire. All in all it was a successful venture. Next time we'll bring more blankets, as it was pretty chilly in the rain overnight... which really affected our sleep with A~ kicking off our only blanket repeatedly!

When we got home today, I headed straight for bed with the intention of getting up when the pot of coffee was done. Some three hours later I finally came to, at which point A~ showed me the new "Keep Out" sign she made for her bedroom door. It's a little hard to see... but the two faces are her "angry faces" and the middle figure is A~ with a sad face. Also prominent is the word "NO." Apparently I hurt somebody's feelings when I said they would have to wait to get their new pink camping chair out of the car! Oh well... I guess her first real guilt trip had to come at some point! Lol!

much love,

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